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2021년 4월 인제의대 교원 연구논문리스트 (연구처 업적 등재기준)

 인제대학교 의과대학 관리자 2021.05.10 13:45 773

최종작성일: 2021년 5월 7일

작성기준: 인제대학교 연구처 업적등재 기준
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No. 저자정보 논문정보
소속 1저자 교신저자 제목 저널명 2019 JCR
Impact Factor
1 약리학교실 - 이수준 Effect of rosiglitazone on 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid levels and CYP4F2 expression in HepG2 cells Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 0.504 0.9
2 부산백병원 가정의학과 이가영 The association between occupational categories and grip strength in Korean male workers International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 1.935 4.0
3 부산백병원 신경과 오성일 Horner's Syndrome and Segmental Sympathetic Denervation Following Herpes Zoster Brachial Plexopathy Journal of Clinical Neurology 2.439 4.2
4 상계백병원 산부인과 육진성 - Incidence and risk factors of VTE in patients with cervical cancer using the Korean national health insurance data Scientific Reports 3.998 7.2
5 상계백병원 산부인과 육진성 - Incidence and risk of venous thromboembolism according to primary treatment in women with ovarian cancer: A retrospective cohort study PLoS One 2.740 5.2
6 상계백병원 소아청소년과 - 유수정 Characteristics of Meningitis in Febrile Infants Aged ≤90 Days Annals of Child Neurology -  
7 상계백병원 신경외과 김병섭 - Gamma knife radiosurgery for incidental, symptomatic unruptured, and ruptured brain arteriovenous malformations Cerebrovascular Diseases 2.698 5.3
8 상계백병원 영상의학과 김재형 Inferior vena cava filter fracture and migration to the pulmonary artery Radiology case reports - 0.6
9 상계백병원 응급의학과 - 김혜진 Unique characteristics that distinguish suicide attempters from patients with nonsuicidal self?injury admitted to the emergency department following self?harm behavior: Psychological scales and biochemical markers Turkish journal of emergency medicine - 1.6
10 상계백병원 정형외과 장동균 - Traumatic atlanto-axial rotatory subluxationand dens fracture with subaxial SCIWORA of Brown-Sequard syndrome: A case report Medicine 1.552 2.7
11 상계백병원 피부과 이수경 이운하 A Case of Eosinophilic Pustular Folliculitis Associated With Herpes Zoster American Journal of Dermatopathology 1.102 1.8
12 서울백병원 류마티스내과 구본산 - Effect of combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema on patients with connective tissue diseases and systemic sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Arthritis Research and Therapy 4.103 6.8
13 서울백병원, 일산백병원 심장내과 김동연, 조성우 - Long-term Outcomes of Clopidogrel Monotherapy versus Prolonged Dual Antiplatelet Therapy beyond 12 Months after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in High-risk Patients Journal of Korean Medical Science 1.705 3.1
14 일산백병원 병리과 - 김지예 Combination of Niraparib, Cisplatin and Twist Knockdown in Cisplatin-Resistant Ovarian Cancer Cells Potentially Enhances Synthetic Lethality through ER-Stress Mediated Mitochondrial Apoptosis Pathway International Journal of Molecular Sciences 4.556 5.3
15 일산백병원 소화기내과 이정수 - Predictive Role of Endoscopic Surveillance after Total Gastrectomy with R0 Resection for Gastric Cancer Journal of Korean Medical Science 1.705 3.1
16 일산백병원 신경과 - 송파멜라 Sex Differences in Obstructive Sleep Apnea by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Journal of Clinical Neurology 2.439 4.2
17 일산백병원 이비인후과 이전미 - Hearing Rehabilitation with Combined Electroacoustic Stimulation and Ossiculoplasty Journal of Audiology and Otology - 1.7
18 해운대백병원 병리과 남경한 김보미 Costal Osteoma: Report of a Case in an Unusual Site American Journal of Case Reports - 1.0
19 해운대백병원 심장내과 설상훈 High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Induced Changes in Left Ventricular Two-Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Strain in a Mouse Model [Editorial] Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging - 2.6
20 해운대백병원 류마티스내과, 호흡기내과 이성근 이재하 Current advances in the treatment of autoimmune-associated interstitial lung diseases Journal of the Korean Medical Association - 0.7
21 해운대백병원 신장내과 박시형 Artificial intelligence with kidney disease A scoping review with bibliometric analysis, PRISMA-ScR Medicine 1.552 2.7
22 해운대백병원 신장내과 이유진 박봉수 Alteration of brain connectivity in neurologically asymptomatic patients with chronic kidney disease Medicine 1.552 2.7
23 해운대백병원 유방외과 이정선 Breast Cancer screening in Asian women with dense breast by mammography: a cross-sectional observational study Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention - 2.5
24 해운대백병원 흉부외과 강도균 강민균 Single center experience of uniportal VATS anatomical lung resection: Mid-term oncological outcomes Thoracic Cancer 2.610 2.6
25 해운대백병원 흉부외과 강도균 강민균 Primary pulmonary Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma: A rare malignant lung tumor Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports - 1.1
26 해운대백병원 흉부외과 강도균 강민균 Multiple small bowel metastasis of primary non-small cell lung cancer Clinical Case Reports - 0.3
27 해운대백병원 흉부외과 강도균 강민균 Large infected pulmonary cyst mimicking empyema thoracis Clinical Case Reports - 0.3
28 해운대백병원 마취통증의학과 오대석 The Influence of Ultrasound-Guided Technique Using a Catheter-Over-Needle on the Incidence of Accidental Intravascular Injection during Caudal Block-A Retrospective Case Series Study Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) 1.205 0.8
29 해운대백병원 신경과 신경진 박진세 Quantitative gait and postural analyses in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 2.781 5.5