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2021년 5월 인제의대 교원 연구논문리스트 (연구처 업적 등재기준)

 인제대학교 의과대학 관리자 2021.06.08 10:57 449

최종작성일: 2021년 6월 7일

작성기준: 인제대학교 연구처 업적등재 기준
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무제 문서
No. 저자정보 논문정보
소속 1저자 교신저자 제목 저널명 2019 JCR
Impact Factor
1 미생물학교실 이주미 DNA Methylation Change Profiling of Colorectal Disease:Screening towards Clinical Use Life-Basel 2.991 4.0
2 생화학교실 박현선 Epigenetic Targeting of Histone Deacetylases in Diagnostics and Treatment of Depression International Journal of Molecular Sciences 4.556 5.3
3 생의학융합교실 - 이수웅 VSIG4(+) peritoneal macrophages induce apoptosis of double-positive thymocyte via the secretion of TNF-α in a CLP-induced sepsis model resulting in thymic atrophy Cell Death & Disease 6.304 8.0
4 약리학교실 이수준 Glucocorticoid receptor dimerization in the cytoplasm might be essential for nuclear localization Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2.985 4.6
5 부산백병원 병리과 조화진, 박하영 - Methylation and molecular profiles of ependymoma: Influence of patient age and tumor anatomic location Molecular and clinical oncology - 0.2
6 부산백병원 영상의학과 - 김동욱 Validation of diagnostic performance and interobserver agreement of DTD-TIRADS for diffuse thyroid disease on ultrasound: a single-center study American Journal of Roentgenology 3.013 5.1
7 상계백병원 산부인과 육진성 - Seven-year survival analysis in women with unsuspected uterine malignancy after laparotomic versus laparoscopic hysterectomy: A national claim data retrospective cohort study International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2.216 3.0
8 상계백병원 산부인과 - 육진성 Use of Ulipristal Acetate and Risk of Liver Disease: A Nationwide Cohort Study Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 5.399 9.8
9 상계백병원 산부인과 양승우 - The Uterocervical Angle Combined with Bishop Score as a Predictor for Successful Induction of Labor in Term Vaginal Delivery Journal of Clinical Medicine 3.303 -
10 상계백병원 소아청소년과 김신혜 박미정 Altered glucocorticoid metabolism in girls with central obesity Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 3.871 7.1
11 일산백병원 소화기내과 이윤석 - Difficult biliary cannulation from the perspective of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis Gut and Liver 3.141 6.1
12 일산백병원 순환기내과 곽재진 황지원 Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome with intracardiac atypical linear-shaped and floating thrombus presenting as embolic cerebral infarction Journal of Cardiology Cases - 0.3
13 일산백병원 신장내과 조형아 - Cardiovascular risk of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in dialysis patients: a nationwide population-based study Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 4.531 7.6
14 일산백병원 호흡기내과 구현경 - Differential features of chronic cough according to etiology and the simple decision tree for predicting causes Scientific Reports 3.998 7.2
15 일산백병원 병리과 김지예 주미 Gastric Inverted Polyps-Distinctive Subepithelial Lesions of the Stomach American Journal of Surgical Pathology 4.958 10.7
16 일산백병원 성형외과 - 이수향 Efficacy of Cultured Allogenic Keratinocytes in Treatment of Deep Second-Degree Burn Journal of burn care & research 1.533 2.7
17 일산백병원 신경과 이재정 - Inosine 5'-Monophosphate to Raise Serum Uric Acid Level in Multiple System Atrophy (IMPROVE-MSA study) Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 6.565 8.5
18 일산백병원 영상의학과 - 서정욱 Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for hepatic tumors: factors Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 1.871 2.9
19 일산백병원 이비인후과 - 소윤경 The diagnostic predictive value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in thyroid cancer adjusted for tumor size PLoS One 2.740 5.2
20 일산백병원 정형외과 이성산 - Comparison of the clinical and radiological outcomes between an isolated tibial component revision and total revision knee arthroplasty in aseptic loosening of an isolated tibial component Journal of Orthopaedic Science 1.259 2.0
21 일산백병원 진단검사의학과 장정현 김솔잎 Development and Application of Computerized Risk Registry and Management Tool Based on FMEA and FRACAS for Total Testing Process Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) 1.205 0.8
22 해운대백병원 혈액종양내과 강명주 Management of adverse events in cancer treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors Journal of the Korean Medical Association - 0.7
23 해운대백병원 정형외과 이상진 Anterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture following medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: A case report Annals of Medicine and Surgery - 2.2
24 해운대백병원 신경외과 - 진성철 Differences between proximal and distal M1 occlusions after mechanical thrombectomy Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 1.760 2.6
25 해운대백병원 신경외과 - 김해유 Revisiting platinum-based anticancer drugs to overcome gliomas International Journal of Molecular Sciences 4.556 5.3
26 해운대백병원 흉부외과 강도균 강민균 Primary pulmonary diffuse large B- cell lymphoma in a young female patient Clinical Case Reports - 0.3
27 해운대백병원 영상의학과 - 한석 Comparison of the Diagnostic Performance of Strain Elastography and Shear Wave Elastography for the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 1.759 2.7
28 해운대백병원 영상의학과 - 강연아 Improved Lesion Conspicuity with Contrast-Enhanced 3D T1 TSE Black-Blood Imaging in Cranial Neuritis: A Comparative Study of Contrast-Enhanced 3D T1 TSE, 3D T1 Fast-Spoiled Gradient Echo, and 3D T2 FLAIR American Journal of Neuroradiology 3.381 5.9
29 해운대백병원 마취통증의학과 - 이상은 Leriche Syndrome Misdiagnosed as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in a Patient with Neuropathic Pain Caused by a Chip Fracture Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) 1.205 0.8
30 해운대백병원 재활의학과 최희은 온철원 Comprehensive Respiratory Muscle Training Improves Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Acute Stroke Patients Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 1.383 2.4
31 해운대백병원 직업환경의학과 - 류지영 The relationship between working hours and the intention to quit smoking in male office workers: data from the 7th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016?2017) Annals of occupational and environmental medicine - 3.1