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2024년 12월 인제의대 교원 연구논문리스트 (연구처 업적 등재기준)

 김주영 2025.01.15 15:01 246


▶ 최종작성일: 2025년 1월 14일

▶ 2024년 12월(12.1.~12.31.) 인제대학교 연구처로 업적 등재된 의과대학 교원 논문 리스트 입니다. (월 1회 업데이트)

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No. 저자정보 논문정보
소속 1저자 교신저자 제목 저널명
1 기생충학교실 주기백 - Combinatorialtreatment of praziquantel and curcumin reduces Clonorchis sinensis infectionand clonorchiasis-associated pathologies in rats Pharmaceutics
2 기생충학교실 주기백 - Dose sparingenabled by immunization with influenza vaccine using orally dissolving film InternationalJournal of Pharmaceutics
3 약리학교실 - NGUYEN PHUOC LONG Regulation ofhost metabolism and defense strategies to survive neonatal infection Biochimica etBiophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
4 부산백병원 소화기내과 - 문석준 Thirty-DayMortality of Persistent Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureusBacteremia: Insights from a Retrospective Cohort Study YonseiMedical Journal
5 부산백병원 신경과 지기환 HealingThrough Sleep: The Need for Hospital Sleep Medicine in Korea SleepMedicine Research
6 부산백병원 신경과 강미리 지기환 Prevalenceand Risk Assessement of Obstructive sleep apnea in Myasthenia Gravis Patientsusing the STOP-BANG questionnaire SleepMedicine Research
7 부산백병원 진단검사의학과 - 이자영 Acute myeloidleukemia and myelodysplastic neoplasms: clinical implications ofmyelodysplasia-related genes mutations and TP53 aberrations BloodResearch
8 상계백병원 산부인과 - 육진성 FactorsAssociated With Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Postmenopausal South Korean Women Urogynecology
9 상계백병원 소아청소년과 - 김창근 Montelukasttreatment response according to eosinophil-derived neurotoxin level inchildren with allergic rhinitis. JOURNAL OFASTHMA
10 상계백병원 응급의학과,영상의학과 강태경 강미진 Conservativemanagement of emphysematous esophagitis?a case report Mediastinum
11 상계백병원 응급의학과 강태경 강미진 Resection ofshrinking secondary thymic cyst during follow-up-a case report Mediastinum
12 상계백병원 진단검사의학과 박근열 - False-positiveresults for seasonal coronavirus infections on using the FilmArray PneumoniaPanel MicrobiologySpectrum
13 일산백병원 순환기내과 고규용 - OptimizingPercutaneous Mitral Valvuloplasty for Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis CirculationJournal
14 일산백병원 호흡기내과 강지은 강지은 Prevalence ofhigh-risk group for obstructive sleep apnea using the STOP-Bang questionnaireand its association with cardiovascular morbidity Frontiers inNeurology
15 일산백병원 신경외과 - 이병주 UsingArtificial Intelligence in the Comprehensive Management of Spinal Cord Injury KoreanJournal of Neurotrauma
16 일산백병원심장혈관흉부외과 김연수 Hemiazygosvein aneurysm mimicking an enlarged lymph node RadiologyCase Reports
17 일산백병원 이비인후과 - 이전미 Assessing theimpact of apnea duration on the relationship between obstructive sleep apneaand hearing loss PLoS One
18 일산백병원 정형외과 이성산 - Contributionsof the Distal Femur and Proximal Tibia to Idiopathic Genu Varum and GenuValgum in Adolescents Clinics inOrthopedic Surgery
19 해운대백병원마취통증의학과 - 오대석 A raresubclavian artery aneurysm potentially misidentified as the internal jugularvein in ultrasound guided central venous catheterization -a case report KoreanJournal of Anesthesiology
20 해운대백병원 마취통증의학과 오대석 Ultrasoundevaluation of a vascular malformation in the external jugular vein: worseningswelling and pain in the supine position MedicalUltrasonography
21 해운대백병원 신경과 박강민 - Small vesseldisease in patients with restless legs syndrome evidenced by elevated peakwidth of skeletonized mean diffusivity Journal ofthe Neurological Sciences
22 해운대백병원 신경과,내분비대사내과 이동아, 고정해 박강민 Theassociation between structural connectivity and anti-seizure medicationresponse in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy EpilepsiaOpen
23 해운대백병원 이비인후과 이석환 A Case ofAspergillus Fungal Ball Confined to the Eustachian Tube Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
24 해운대백병원 정형외과 - 공규민 Age- andGender-Related Femoral Bowing Analysis in the Korean Population and Featuresfor Clinical Applications Medicina(Kaunas, Lithuania)