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2023년 10월 인제의대 교원 연구논문리스트 (연구처 업적 등재기준)

 인제대학교 의과대학 관리자  315

▶ 최종작성일: 2023년 11월 07

▶ 2023년 10(10.1.~10.31.) 인제대학교 연구처로 업적 등재된 의과대학 교원 논문 리스트 입니다. (월 1회 업데이트)

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No. 저자정보 논문정보
소속 1저자 교신저자 제목 저널명
1 부산백병원 내과 - 문석준 Factors for mortality in patients with persistent Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: The importance of treatment response rather than bacteremia duration Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection
2 부산백병원 내과 허혁 - Association between food insecurity and risk of chronic diseases affecting the kidney in older Korean patients Clinical Nephrology
3 부산백병원 성형외과 - 윤지영 Diffuse Large B-Cell lymphoma Misdiagnosed as a Hematoma: Case Report Medicina(Kaunas, Lithuania)
4 부산백병원 신경과 지기환 Subcutaneous Emphysema Following Nasal Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in a Patient With a History of Tongue Base Tumor Resection Sleep Medicine Research
5 부산백병원 정형외과 이창락, 김창완 이창락 Risk of Infection After Septic and Aseptic Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
6 상계백병원 산부인과, 외과 육진성 곽금희 Association between breast diseases and symptomatic uterine fibroids by using South Korean National Health Insurance database Scientific Reports
7 상계백병원 신경과 정승호 - Association between choroid plexus volume and cognition in Parkinson disease European Journal of Neurology
8 상계백병원 안과 - 최진 Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Pediatric Migraine Using Optical Coherence Tomography Korean Journal of Ophthalmology
9 상계백병원 영상의학과 김성희 Congenital esophageal stenosis caused by tracheobronchial remnants: A case report Radiology Case Reports
10 상계백병원 피부과 이수경 김명신 Efficacy, Safety, and Subject Satisfaction of PrabotulinumtoxinA for Moderate-to-Severe Crow’s Feet: A Phase IV, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial Journal of Clinical Medicine
11 일산백병원 내과 강석인 - Risk factors associated with recurrence of gastric hyperplastic polyps:a single-center, long-term, retrospective cohort study Surgical Endoscopy 
12 일산백병원 소아청소년과 김영대 Systemic autoinflammatory disorders: Autoinflammatory and autoimmune disorders Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics 
13 해운대백병원 내과 나지은 김태오 Usage trends of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection according to hospital types based on nationwide claims data Medicine (Baltimore)
14 해운대백병원 신경과, 내과 박강민 박봉수 Changes in the glymphatic system before and after dialysis initiation in patients with end-stage kidney disease Renal Failure
15 해운대백병원 신경과 - 박성호 Combining clinical and imaging data for predicting functional outcomes after acute ischemic stroke: an automated machine learning approach Scientific Reports