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2022년 12월 인제의대 교원 연구논문리스트 (연구처 업적 등재기준)

 인제대학교 의과대학 관리자 2023.01.10 11:53 265


▶ 최종작성일: 2023년 1월 5

▶ 2022년 12(12.1.~12.31.) 인제대학교 연구처로 업적 등재된 의과대학 교원 논문 리스트 입니다. (월 1회 업데이트)

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No. 저자정보 논문정보
소속 1저자 교신저자 제목 저널명
1 약리학교실 NGUYEN PHUOC LONG 신재국 Quantitative Analysis of Isoniazid and Its Four Primary Metabolites in Plasma of Tuberculosis Patients Using LC-MS/MS Molecules
2 미생물학교실   최인학 VSTM5 is a novel immune checkpoint that promotes oral tolerance of cell-mediated and antibody responses Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
3 생리학교실   한진 Regulation of Inflammation-Mediated Endothelial to Mesenchymal Transition with Echinochrome a for Improving Myocardial Dysfunction Marine Drugs
4 생리학교실   김나리 A novel modular modeling approach for understanding different electromechanics between left and right heart in rat Frontiers in Physiology
5 부산백병원 가정의학과 이가영 Weight perception and self-rated health: are there differences between cancer survivors and non-cancer survivors? Supportive Care in Cancer
6 부산백병원 영상의학과   허영진 Accelerated Nonenhanced 3D T1-MPRAGE Using Wave-Controlled Aliasing in Parallel Imaging for Infant Brain Imaging American Journal of Neuroradiology
7 부산백병원 진단검사의학과   신정환 Clinical Usefulness of BACT Count and BACT-Info Flag of UF-5000 for Screening for Urinary Tract Infection and Prediction of Gram-Negative Bacteria Clinical Laboratory
8 상계백병원 내분비내과 원종철   Forty Years Together, New Leap Forward! The 40th Anniversary of the Korean Endocrine Society Endocrinology and Metabolism
9 상계백병원 신경과 정승호   Local striatal volume and motor reserve in drug-naive Parkinson’s disease npj Parkinsons Disease
10 상계백병원 신경과 정승호   Interrelation of striatal dopamine, brain metabolism and cognition in dementia with Lewy bodies BRAIN
11 상계백병원 정형외과 임동주 Complete bone fusion in failed back surgery syndrome using teriparatide in back surgery syndrome using teriparatide in neurosyphilis:A case report International journal of Surgery Case Reports
12 서울백병원 가정의학과   조영규 The difference in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome accrdoing to meeting guidelines for aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening exercise: a cross-sectional study performed using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2014-2019 Nutrients
13 서울백병원 내과 구본산   Relationship Between Inflammation and Radiographic Progression in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis Attaining a BASDAI of Less Than 4 During Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Treatment JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
14 서울백병원 내과 구본산   Response to ‘Correspondence on “Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors slow radiographic progression in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: 18-year real-world evidence” by Zhang et al Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
15 일산백병원 순환기내과   도준형 Prediction of functional results of percutaneous coronary interventions with virtual stenting and quantitative flow ratio. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
16 일산백병원 호흡기내과   강지은 Impact of prior vaccination on clinical outcomes of patients with COVID-19 Emerging Microbes and Infections
17 일산백병원 신경과 박혜리   Novel neuroelectrophysiological age index associated with imaging features of brain aging and sleep disorders. NeuroImage
18 일산백병원 외과   정성민 Determining the Etiology of Small Bowel Obstruction in Patients Without Intraabdominal Operative History:A Retrospective Study Annals of Coloproctology
19 일산백병원 정형외과 조진호 이성산 Comparison of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes According to the Presence or Absence of a Posterior Draw Force during Graft Fixation in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Medicina-Lithuania
20 일산백병원 비뇨의학과 정해도   In Vivo Feasibility Test of a New Flexible Ureteroscopic Robotic System, easyUretero, for Renal Stone Retrieval in a Porcine Model Yonsei Medical Journal
21 일산백병원 비뇨의학과 정해도   Silodosin versus Tamsulosin for Medical Expulsive Therapy of Ureteral Stones: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Medicina-Lithuania
22 해운대백병원 신장내과 이유진 김양욱 Humoral response to vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in patients undergoing dialysis MEDICINE
23 해운대백병원 호흡기내과 이재하   Clinical usefulness of biomarkers for diagnosis and prediction of prognosis in sepsis and septic shock MEDICINE
24 해운대백병원 정형외과 박병규   Natural behaviours after guided growth for idiopathic genu valgum correction: comparison between percutaneous transphyseal screw and tension-band plate BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
25 해운대백병원 영상의학과   김숙정 Characteristics and chronologically changing patterns of late-onset breast cancer in Korean women of age≥70years: A hospital based-registry study BMC Cancer
26 해운대백병원 영상의학과   강연아 Improved Blood Suppression of Motion-Sensitized Driven Equilibrium in High-Resolution Whole-Brain Vessel Wall Imaging: Comparison of Contrast-Enhanced 3D T1-Weighted FSE with Motion-Sensitized Driven Equilibrium and Delay Alternating with Nutation for Tailored Excitation American Journal of Neuroradiology
27 해운대백병원 신경과 이동아 박강민 Glymphatic system impairment in patients with status epilepticus Neuroradiology