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PBL 프로그램 참가후기

 인제대학교 의과대학 관리자 2017.04.20 10:56 93




Chiba University School of Medicine Shiina Manayu

Thank you for your kindness from 18 August to 24.
I felt many things in this PBL program, so I summarize below.

First, I surprised students expressed their information about Hemato-Oncology and discussed very hardly in groupwork, and they asked manay questions in PBL conference.  When we play PBL in Chiba, it takes much time for all group members to give some opinions. If we have some opinions, we can’t talk about the patience each other.
Second, I felt that they worked on lessons actively. They could talk freely because Learning Goal and Mini test were not included in grades. They studied aggressively.They were a year junior to me but they have many knowledge and their own opinions and think about the patient. They were good examples for me to follow.
Third, in chiba we make a schema as homework after lessons of the hematology, so we think which disease caused the symptom (bleeding) in making schema.When I make a schema, I always classify in the same way like place or department.Therefore I considered this symptom too, so I felt difficult changing my thinking way. But in five days, I got to be able to see what causes bleeding from the pathological viewpoint. I think this study method is very meaningful in review basic medical science.
Fourth, everystudents used English fluently in discussion and so on.It wasn’t only in our group. I found that Inje university think the education of English and Medical English is important.I was not good at English, so I couldn’t talk well with my group members. This experience stimulated me to want to study more and more.
Fifth, when we diagnosed and explained the disease and the treatment, the patient really acted, and then our group was not able to finish all the steps. Though we knew that we couldn’t care her well, I found this point as a new Learning Goal.
Finally, talking about daily life of Inje university students, Inje University and Chiba University have a lot in common. For example, extracurricular activities are popular, we use another campus from main one, and most students live by theirself near the campus. I felt close to Inje University.

I really appreciated Inje university teachers, students and all the people concerned.
This program makd me developed.If I can study again in Inje university, I will be pleased. I hope the relationship between universities prolongs.



Chiba University School of Medicine Imabayashi Hiroki

<Dear Inje students>
I hope you are doing well.
I would like to sincerely thank you for your help during my visit. I had a very very good time in Inje ! Especially, I had never eaten such a good and spicy food.
All of you were so kind and curious that I had a big regret that I should have spoke with all of you more. I will always remember your generous hospitality, so if you come to Tokyo, please contact us, then we'll show you around in return. See you then!

<An excuse about PBL>
I took part in this PBL program as a third-year student. The other students without me are all forth-year students. Honestly, it's too early for me yet. I think that if I were a fourth-year student, I could reap the benefits of a good education, because I have learned only anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology. I've never learned and studied pathology hematology and so on. Of course I made C-maps and schemas for the first time, so only I could do is sitting without saying anything, listening to the conference carefully, and trying to get it. However, I studied hematology as hard as possible during this program. I read my Japanese textbook every night, but we, Chiba students always study medicine only in Japanese, so I couldn't understand how to say almost all symptoms and how to explain what I thought. I myself was very impatient and irritated. I wish I could have explained that to you even earlier.

교수님들에게 대한 감사를 영어로 할 수 없어서 일본어로 실례합니다. 인제대학교 PBL 참가에 많은 신세를 졌습니다. 하나부터 열까지 돌봐주고 무엇 하나 부자유하지 않게 지원하여 주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 공부는 물론, 인제의대 학생들과도 사이 좋게 지낼 수 있었으며 한국이라는 나라도 조금이나마 알 수 있어, 한국이라는 나라와의 거리를 가깝게 느낄 수 있었습니다. 매우 유익한 유학이었습니다. 여러 가지 챙겨주신 석대현교수님, 저희들의 PBL 참가를 허락하신 이병두학장님과 이종태부학장님, 또한 숙박시에 신세를 진 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사 드립니다.



Chiba University School of Medicine Noriko Matsunaga

The decision to participate in PBL program came out of my curiosity in medical students in other country. Medicine is the common knowledge shared by the world. But I had no idea about what and how they study medicine, or how well they speak and learn English in the country where English is not a native language, and what kind of life they have as university students.
When my application was accepted, I felt a little bit nervous thinking if we would be welcomed or not. This anxiety disappeared when I met the Inje University students on the first night.
Everybody was so friendly and kindly took us many places in Busan, showing us around the city. I had a wonderful and memorable time with you, learning a lot of things such as Korean language, music, tradition of your country, way of thinking, and your enthusiastic attitude towards studying. It was a great honor for me to know all of you and to have been able to participate in this amazingly well-organized PBL course. I could raise my motivation to advance my medical knowledge and broaden my world.

My looking back at the time in Busan, the time had been passing so quickly. The things that I experienced and shared with you were far greater and far more meaningful than I had thought and expected.
I feel I was so lucky that I had a chance to take part in this PBL program and I really would like to say thank you to all the people who devoted to organize this program. I do wish to see you again in Tokyo or in Busan next time.

Gratefully yours,



Chiba University School of Medicine Shoko Hasegawa

I heartily thank you for having welcomed us to Inje University. In spite of a short period, the content that I obtained was very splendid. I'm really glad to have had an opportunity to attend this program.

Through this program, I understood the difference between Inje University's PBL and Chiba University's PBL well.
First difference is the presence of SP. In our PBL, we don't have SP and the professor of the tutor does the part of patient. However, this system is hard for students to assume that they face a real patient. Students come to lack consideration for the way of the interview. In Inje University's PBL, we can learn not only the medical knowledge but also how to communicate with patients. I think that it is very wonderful.
Second difference is the way of discussion. In our PBL, we don't discuss so much and often answer the question of only tutor. When we are troubled to diagnose, our tutor shows test results and some hints kindly. In Inje University's PBL, a tutor doesn't participate in the discussion. All is entrusted to the independence of students. I think it is hard for students, but it is very good for learning widely. Through this program, I was able to review hematology thoroughly. 
This program was a really good experience for me. It was a chance to think about how I should study from now on. I thought that I must study more independently. And then after having studied a lot, I want to learn in Inje University again by all means.

I would like to sincerely thank all of you. Doing PBL with you is a splendid memory that I will not forget for the rest of my life.




Chiba University School of Medicine Ryohei Ono

Thank you so much for your hospitality during my stay at Inje University. I'm really glad to have had the opportunity of meeting you all and taking PBL lessons.
I've participated in the PBL program for just a week and what I felt there was that the way of PBL is totally different from ours. For example, whereas you have a chance to take a medical history or diagnose to the real SP (Simulated Patient) in the PBL, we don't have such a chance because our tutor tells us the patient's medical history. Thanks to the SP, you can learn how to take a medical history and how to explain your diagnosis to the patient in the real situation. I felt that this could make your skills more practical and useful even at the clinical site. Moreover I was very surprised at your high abilities of English because most of you can speak English very fluently and also know a large number of English medical terms. When we discussed in the PBL class, I couldn't express my opinion very well because of lack of my English ability and my knowledge about medicine, especially English terms. After coming back to Japan, I will do my best to improve my ability of both English skills and Medical knowledge. If possible I would like to ask my professor to improve our system of the PBL.
Though Korea and Japan are neighboring, this was my first time to visit Korea. So I could know not only how the PBL program at Inje University is but also how Korea is through communicating with you. My Korean friends are so kind to us that we really enjoyed having a precious time and created a lot of good memories. We had lunch and dinner many times and you always showed us around Busan so that we could know about Korean meals, cultures, phrases and how warmhearted Korean people are. I really appreciated it and I can't thank you enough. I believe that we could deepen our friendship each other and it will last forever.
This experience was so valuable to me. I would like to thank you again and ask you all to keep in touch with me.



이번 PBL 참가에서 석대현교수님께 많은 신세를 졌습니다. 숙박 장소와 식사 준비, 또한 PBL 수업 이외에 병원 견학과 박물관 견학까지시켜 주셨습니다. 이번 프로그램이 이 정도까지 충실하며 즐긴 것은 석대현선생님 덕분입니다. 또한 이병두학장님, 이종태부학장님을 비롯한 인제의대 교수님들, 동문회 회장님, 치바의대의 生坂교수님, 아사히나교수님 등 이번 유학에 많은 도움을 주신 분들께 이 자리를 빌어 깊이 감사드립니다. 감사합니다.

